Dear band families,
This week I want to highlight a few reminders. Make sure your students have responded for the spring trip by Wednesday. Then on Thursday, we welcome all of our marching students and their families to our annual, semi-formal marching band potluck banquet (view invitation and RSVP).
Coming up:
- Nov 29: Response required for Spring Trip
- Nov 30: Marching Band Banquet – sign up to volunteer and for potluck dishes
- Dec 8: Lebanese Taverna Gift Card Fundraiser
- Dec 12: Booster Meeting: Spring Trip and Practice-A-Thon Q&A
- Dec 14: Winter Band Concert
- Practice-A-Thon seeks co-coordinator
RSVP: Marching Band Potluck Banquet – Thursday
All of our marching band students AND their families are invited to our annual end-of-season marching band potluck banquet on Thursday from 7-8:30. This semi-formal event will include great food, friends, and the highly anticipated end-of-season awards. Please sign up for your potluck dish (which doubles as your RSVP). Contact Susie Wallin with questions.
Lebanese Taverna Gift Card Fundraiser – Dec 8
We’re partnering with our local friends (and Yorktown alum and current parents) to help you with your gift giving this holiday season. Lebanese Taverna gift cards will be available on December 8 with 20% of the proceeds donated to YHS Bands! Gift cards are good at all Lebanese Taverna locations including the Market making them great gifts for any of your DMV friends (or back-up dinner plans for those busy holiday nights). All purchases will be made online on December 8 at (use promo code YORKTOWN).
ACTION REQUIRED: Spring Trip – YHS Bands go to Boston
The YHS Band will travel by charter bus April 25 – 28, 2024 to Boston.
Action Required: RESPOND by Wednesday, November 29 to indicate if you are planning to attend (non-binding but we need to get a better idea of attendance to finalize pricing details).
Practice-A-Thon Co-Coordinator Needed
Our newest annual tradition, the practice-a-thon, needs a co-coordinator. This fundraiser is managed and administered online. Duties generally include working with the rallyup website, communicating with students, and raising awareness. Expected time commitment is a meeting before January and then 1-2 hours per week in January. This is a great way to have a big impact in a short period of time. Contact Lisa Backer to find out more.
We look forward to seeing our marching families on Thursday!
Lisa Backer and Daniel Test
Yorktown Band Booster co-Presidents