Spring Trip and 9th Grade Auditions

Dear Band Families,

We are still working hard to finalize the Practice-A-Thon results, and we should have the information out to students about their prizes later this week.  Thank you all for supporting with your own donations and for helping spread the word around the community!

In the meantime, we have two other urgent requests.  The most urgent request is for chaperones for the spring trip to Norfolk.  At this time, I believe we have only two Yorktown chaperones.  We would like to get at least three or four more chaperones willing to go.  If you are interested, please send an email to YorktownBandArlington@gmail.com. 

The second request is for parents and adult family members who would be willing to chat with rising 9th grade parents during auditions at Yorktown tomorrow and Wednesday evening, between 6-8p.  You don’t have to RSVP – **just show up in the band hallway with a friendly smile and willingness to share your experience!

**Thank you all for your tremendous support so far this year.  Go Band!

Amber Miller
Yorktown Band Boosters
Email:  YorktownBandArlington@gmail.com

Handy Resources:

Yorktown Band Apparel Store: https://teamlocker.squadlocker.com/#/lockers/yorktown-band\ Yorktown Band Website: https://yorktownband.org/\ Yorktown Band Calendar: https://yorktownband.org/calendar/\ Yorktown Band Booster Page: https://yorktownband.org/boosters/\ Yorktown Band Booster List: https://yorktownband.org/boosters/meet-the-boosters/**\
**Please also check out and follow YHS bands through social media!
**https://www.instagram.com/yorktownbands/\ https://www.instagram.com/yorktowncolorguard/**\
Know any alumni and their families? Encourage them to join the Yorktown Band Alumni Facebook page! https://www.facebook.com/groups/1215700699077431