Hello YMB members and families,

One last email before school starts… We had an unusual week at camp due to weather, but we still managed to get a lot accomplished. Between that and our rehearsals so far since we have been back, the 2024 YMB is showing great potential!

A few items:

  • Tonight (Wednesday, Aug 21)
    • Members of the battery (except 9th graders) and all leadership students are playing a pep band for new student orientation. We will leave the band room for the gym at 5:45. Attire is the Y-Band shirt and the shorts of your choice.
    • Any student who has not tried on their band uniform should do so at the uniform room between 6:15 – 7 p.m.
    • Wind players will have a music rehearsal indoors, starting in the band room, from 7 – 9. Students should have their pep/stands music in flip folders for tonight’s rehearsal.
    • Percussion and Guard will be on Field 2 from 7 – 9 p.m.
  • YMB Season Cost
    • Please review the costs outlined on the cost communication document.
    • I have completed the budget for the YMB season and am glad to share that we are able to keep costs the same as last year ($300 / $150 for students receiving reduced-price meals / $75 for students receiving free meals). The Yorktown Band Boosters and APS Arts Education Office are critical contributors to keeping costs as low as possible. Thank you!
    • Percussion and Guard members have an additional $50 equipment fee.
    • Marching Band instrument rental is $25.
    • These costs can all be paid via check made out to Yorktown High School (not band boosters). Costs will be able to be paid through School Cash Online in the coming weeks.
    • Costs are due by September 20. Financial Assistance is available for those in need of such assistance. Requests for financial assistance should be made directly to the Band Director prior to the due date for the related fee. Cost should never prohibit student participation. Contact Mr. Witkowski for more information.
  • Absence Procedure
    • An absence by only one band member has a negative effect on the performance level of the entire band. The high level of performance, a trademark of the Yorktown Marching Band, is due to the pride and dedication of its students. Attendance is crucial! Please plan ahead and avoid events on the YMB Schedule (https://bit.ly/ymb-cal-24)
    • When an absence is necessary:
      • (1) The student or parent must complete this form (https://bit.ly/ymb-absence). If you will be out for a range of dates, you must submit a form for every date you will miss.
      • (2) A PARENT/Caregiver must send an e-mail to Mr. Witkowski at joseph.witkowski@apsva.us stating the date of absence, duration of absence, and the reason for the absence. Attach a doctor’s note if necessary.
      • (3) The STUDENT must communicate with their captain to let them know they will be absent for a particular rehearsal. The captain does not need to be told the reason for the absence.