Dear Band Families,

Starting with the home football game tonight, we have a busy month ahead, so please keep an eye out for communications from Mr. Witkowski, and please consider one of the many volunteer opportunities to help make our upcoming activities successful.  In particular, please help us boost attention via social media for tomorrow’s fundraiser – Band Day!  ALL band students, including Color Guard, participate in this fundraiser.  Thank you to all the parent volunteers who are driving and providing breakfast for this event!


  • TONIGHT:  Home football game Marching Band performance; student call time 5:15pm
  • TOMORROW:  All band program students participate in Band Day; students report by 8:30am
  • September 21:  Help needed – Away game at Washington-Liberty HS
  • September 28:  Help needed – Marching Band competition at Herndon HS
  • October 4:  Help needed – Morning props building; homecoming football game
  • Before October 5:  Puzzle donations needed for fundraiser
  • Before October 15:  Help needed – Band Booster tax return preparation

TONIGHT:  Home football game

Marching Band members should arrive wearing their Y-Band uniform (gray shirt, blue shorts), long black socks, and black marching shoes.  Student report time is 5:15pm.

If you are volunteering at the game tonight and don’t know where to go, please meet Krista Boyd, our Football Game Supervisor, near the exterior door to the band hallway (to the left of the main school entrance), or you can look for me.

TOMORROW:  Band Day fundraiser

Tomorrow, ALL band students participate in Band Day, our biggest fundraiser of the year!  The quality of the band program depends greatly on the generosity of our community, so the students will walk through designated neighborhoods to talk about the program and ask for donations.  Please share the information and donation QR code as widely as possible!

Students should arrive wearing the appropriate attire.  Marching Band students will arrive in Y-Band uniforms and will get dressed in full uniform after eating breakfast at the school.  All other band students should wear their dark blue Yorktown music department t-shirts and comfortable shoes.  New band students will receive the dark blue t-shirts tomorrow.

September 21:  Help needed – Away game at Washington-Liberty HS

Students will perform music in the stands during the away game at Washington-Liberty HS on Saturday, September 21st.  We need parent volunteers to ride the bus to/from Washington-Liberty HS and to be in charge of the First-aid kits.  Please sign up here.

September 28:  Help needed – Marching Band competition at Herndon HS

Please view the competition schedule here.  We need several parent volunteers for things like riding the bus and bringing the First-Aid kits, helping load/unload trucks, moving props and other equipment, etc.  Any parents assigned to props and equipment during the competition will get in for free!  Please sign up here to help.

October 4:  Help needed – Morning props building and homecoming game volunteers needed

Looking for a great way to help before you even log on for the work day?  Please consider volunteering to help construct props at Yorktown High School during the mornings of home games, starting with the homecoming game on October 4th.  No experience necessary!  Prop building extraordinaire, Jane Pair, will be there to lead the work.  Please sign up here.

Starting with the homecoming game, we will be using show props at the games and will need additional parent volunteers to help move the props and other equipment on/off the field during halftime.  Please sign up here.

Before October 5:  Puzzle donations needed for fundraiser

Rebecca Vandall, our Restaurant Night Co-Chair, will be hosting a table at the Civitans Garage Sale in October to sell puzzles, with all proceeds benefiting the band program.  If you have any used or new puzzles to donate, please drop them off at Rebecca’s front porch at 5120 19th Rd, N, Arlington, or text her at 202-271-8850 to arrange a pick-up.  The Civitans Garage Sale will take place on October 5th, from 7:30 AM to 1:00 PM, at the Washington-Liberty parking garage.

Before October 15:  Time/service donation request – tax preparation for the Band Boosters

Do you prepare taxes professionally?  Are you looking for a great way to help out the band program?  We are looking for someone willing to donate time/service in preparing the tax return for the Band Booters, a 501(c)(3) organization.  If you can help, please send an email to

We’re looking forward to seeing you all at the home football game tonight and at Band Day tomorrow!  Go Band!!

Amber Miller
Yorktown Band Boosters