Hello Band Families –

We apologize for the multiple emails.  There are a lot of moving parts to coordinate, and we do have many volunteer needs coming up.  Please sign up for at least a few events to help make this wonderful band run smoothly! 

In addition to chaperoning this Friday night’s away game at Wakefield (contact volunteer@yorktownband.org) and Band Day (Sign up to drive here.  Sign up to help with breakfast here.), we need:

1 – water set up and clean up for the mini-camp this coming Saturday, 9/9/23, as well as two chaperones to attend the 9/11 5K race where the band will play:

minicamp and race sign up

2 – lots of help with the remaining home football games (9/14/23, 9/22/23, 10/13/23, and 11/3/23), especially as the band is integrating more props into the show:

help with home football games

3 – even more help with the 3 competitions and assessment (9/23/23, 10/7/23, 10/21/23, and 10/28/23, times TBD).  Please consider checking out the competitions – they have a completely supportive and fun atmosphere with everyone there focused on seeing the bands perform!

help with competitions

4 – Mr. Witkowski has asked for adults to help with putting away the props after practices on the turf football field so that the students can get home sooner on these nights.

September turf practice clean-up

Thank you so much for your continued support of the band!  Please contact volunteer@yorktownband.org with any questions.

The Band Boosters