APS and the Yorktown Bands will not charge students a fee for any mandatory aspect of the Yorktown Band program except for musical instrument and course material fees that are permitted by the Virginia Department of Education regulations. Updates will be made available as soon as possible.

Download the Full Cost Communication for 2023-2024

View payment options for fees payable to either YHS or Band Boosters.

APS Required Fees – Payable to Yorktown High School

DescriptionAmountWho pays this fee?This pays for…
Marching Band Course Materials Fee
Due by September 18, 2023
$300 / $150 reduced lunch / $75 Free LunchMarching Band members onlyThis fee covers consumable items/expenses for the marching band season. Examples of these items include but are not limited to: show t-shirt, drill book, Y- Band uniform, uniform accessories/maintenance, instrument-specific accessories, food, etc. Remaining collected fees will be allocated to a uniform replacement fund.
Marching Band Fall Equipment Cost
Due by September 18, 2023
$50 / $25 reduced lunch / $12 Free LunchMarching Band Guard & Percussion members onlyThis fee covers consumable items/expenses for students in the guard and percussion sections for the marching band season. Examples of these items include but are not limited to: sticks, mallets, drum heads, tape, flags, instrument/equipment-specific accessories, maintenance etc.
Concert Ensembles Course Materials Fee
Due September 29, 2023
$60 / $30 reduced lunch / $15 free lunchStudents enrolled in
Concert Band, Wind Ensemble, Percussion Ensemble
This fee covers consumable items/expenses for the bands/ensembles throughout the school year. Some examples of these items include but are not limited to: method books, practice software subscriptions, instrument-specific accessories, uniform, uniform accessories/maintenance, etc. Remaining collected fees will be allocated to a uniform replacement fund.
Jazz Ensembles Course Materials Fee
Due November 30, 2023
$75 / $35 reduced lunch / $20 free lunchStudents enrolled in Jazz EnsembleThis fee covers consumable items/expenses for the bands/ensembles throughout the school year. Some examples of these items include but are not limited to: method books, practice software subscriptions, instrument-specific accessories, uniform, uniform accessories/maintenance, etc. Remaining collected fees will be allocated to a uniform replacement fund.

Free or Reduced Meals

Mr. Witkowski does not have access to private information regarding students who receive free or reduced meals. If your family intends to use the reduced rates outlined above, please let Mr. Witkowski know so he can adjust your student’s balance accordingly.

Musical Instrument Rental Fee – Payable to Yorktown High School

This required fee only applies to students who play school-owned instruments and covers maintenance costs of those school- owned instruments.

Instrument Type: Woodwinds and Brass
Amount: $100 Standard Rate, $25 Free/Reduced Lunch Rate, $25 Summer/Marching Band Rate
Due Date: September 29, 2023

These fees must be submitted with a rental contract. Fill out the rental contract here.

Payment Policies for Payments to YHS

Online (preferred)

Parents/caretakers can create an account by visiting our district’s SchoolCash Online page: https://arlingtonva.schoolcashonline.com/. They can then attach their student(s) to their profile and make payments.


Payments can be made out to Yorktown High School. Please include the student’s name and fee being paid in the memo line of the check.

APS Sponsored Optional Activity Fee – Payable to Yorktown Band Boosters

This is a fee that students are expected to pay if they choose to participate in any activities/trips associated with the Yorktown Band. This fee is determined and assessed based on the estimated cost of the trip/activity – including such costs as transportation, accommodation, registration, food, and other miscellaneous expenses.

Students who do not pay the fees associated with a trip/activity will be ineligible to perform/participate in the trip/activity.

Optional ActivityAmountDue Date
Marching Band Camp
Mercersburg Academy (PA)
$250 reduced lunch
$125 free lunch
July 15
Spring Trip (March or April)*To Be DeterminedInitial deposit will be in the fall with subsequent payments to follow
* Spring travel may not occur every year and is tentative

Payment Policies for Payments to Band Boosters

Online (preferred)

Payments for specific fees will be communicated separately and will include processing costs in the total amount to cover the fees incurred by the Boosters.


Make checks out to Yorktown Band Boosters and mailed to:

Yorktown Band Boosters
PO Box 7041
Arlington, VA 22207

Please include the student’s name and fee being paid in the memo line of the check.

Individual Performance Events

There are opportunities throughout the school year for individual students to choose to audition and/or participate in other bands. Examples include the Senior Regional Orchestra, All-District or All-Virginia Concert or Jazz Bands, and the Solo and Ensemble Festival. Audition or participation fees are often assessed for these opportunities by the sponsoring organization. The Yorktown Band does not establish such fees, but the Yorktown Band often assists in the collection of these fees from individuals who elect to participate and the submission of one group payment to the respective sponsoring organization. These fees are communicated at the time other information about these opportunities is communicated.


Typically, fees paid are non-refundable once commitments and purchases have been made. These refund policies will be communicated separately as they relate to individual activities.

Financial Assistance

Financial Assistance is available for those in need of such assistance. Requests for financial assistance should be made directly to the Band Director prior to the due date for the related fee. Cost should never prohibit student participation. Contact Mr. Witkowski for more information.