Bookmark this page. This is where we will post all of the information for the trip including itinerary updates, payment options, FAQs, and required forms.

Band Spring Trip Information

Please view these slides with information about this year’s spring band trip.
The first payment is due December 17. Checks can be made payable to Yorktown Band Boosters. We are working on credit card payment functionality, however, if payment by check is possible for Payment #1, that will streamline the process.
When you are ready to commit to the trip, both the student and their parent/guardian must fill out a commitment form:
Commitment form to be completed by parent/guardian
Commitment form to be completed by traveling student

When: April 25-April 27, 2025
Where: Norfolk, VA
Who: All Yorktown band students are invited

Get Ready for the Trip



Payment Schedule:

  • Deposit Due ($200): December 17*
  • Balance Due ($250) January 17
  • Balance Due (TBD) February 20

* In order to make this trip happen, the Yorktown Band Boosters will have financial obligations with our travel agent at the beginning of January. Due to the holiday timing, we are granting a “no questions asked” extension for the deposit until the end of January for families who need more time. If you are able to submit the deposit by January 17, however, we ask that you do so.

Cost should not be a barrier to participation, however students must have a zero balance on their financial statements with the band in order to be eligible for the trip. For assistance or alternate arrangements, please contact Mr. Witkowski.

Pay by Check (No fees)

Please make all checks payable to “Yorktown Band Boosters” and include your student name in the memo field. Checks can be hand-delivered to Mr. Witkowski. If you wish to mail, please send to:

Yorktown Band Boosters
Attn: Spring Trip Coordinators
PO Box 7041
Arlington, VA 22207


Planned highlights of the trip include:

  • International Tattoo Hullabaloo
  • Parade of Nations
  • Busch Gardens

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