Hello band families,

While we all eagerly await the school’s decision regarding school tomorrow – it’s a perfect time to get those fundraising “A-Thon” pages up and solicitations sent! ICYMI we have THREE special fundraising events:

All band students should be participating in one of the above. If you are in AIP then drum-a-thon is your thing; if you are in winterguard – spin it is; otherwise you are part of the practice-a-thon.

Instructions for students to set up accounts and log minutes can be found at https://yorktownband.org/practice – including sample text you can use as a starting point for donor asks.

Practice-a-thon students – remember that you only need one donation or pledge for a “no stress” prize. Once you see how easy it is, you’ll be on your way to a “snack” and “meal” prize!

Families – please help your student to identify potential pledges and craft their messages. Funds raised go to support the entire band program for this year and next!

If you have any troubles setting up your account or other questions, please contact YorktownBandArlington@gmail.com.

Go band!

Lisa Backer and Daniel Test
Yorktown Band Booster Co-Presidents