Hello band families,

We’re so excited to hear our students tonight at the combined band & orchestra winter concert. The concert begins at 7pm. Many of you (including us) have difficulties downloading the concert programs when on-site at YHS due to Internet access restrictions at the school. Skip the hassle and download tonight’s program in advance at https://bit.ly/yhs-winter23.

ACTION NEEDED – Boston Details Announced
The trip details have been announced and you can find all of the information online at https://yorktownband.org/boston

The Yorktown Band Boosters will begin making deposits on the trip in early January. As a result we need a firm commitment of attendees by January 3. For each student attending the trip we need:

  1. Commitment form to be filled out by the parent/guardian of the student
  2. Roommate selection and other preferences to be filled out by the student
  3. Deposit of $500*

Deposit payment information can be found online at https://yorktownband.org/boston

*Due to the holiday timing, we are granting a “no questions asked” extension for the deposit until the end of January for families who need more time. If you are able to submit the deposit by January 3, however, we ask that you do so in order to help us meet trip deposit requirements with vendors.

We’ll see you tonight!

Lisa Backer and Daniel Test
Yorktown Band Booster Co-Presidents

P.S. Thank you to everyone who is donating goods or helping out for tonight’s refreshments. All of the slots are now full.