Dear band families,

We are almost half-way through our practice-a-thon and we have some tight competition going but we’re still missing participation from over ¾ of the band 😱! Today is the perfect day to spend a little time reaching out to potential sponsors and completing a practice block or two. Full participation is the goal – think of this as an online band day for the spring!


  • Practice-A-Thon Results: Arlington Indoor Percussion, younger band members crushing it, ahem – upper-class folks….
  • Boston Trip Deadlines: Everyone must have signed up on the Kaleidoscope Adventures website. If you have not, still sign up via “waitlist”
  • Marching Band Volunteer: appreciation event – February 20

Practice-A-Thon Snow Day!!!!

A snow day gives you the perfect chance to spend a little time reaching out to sponsors and getting in some practice blocks.

The YHS Bands Practice-A-Thon currently has LESS THAN 20% participation and have raised less than HALF of what the Arlington Indoor Percussion has raised! It’s time to get busy and raise those numbers. Remember these funds will be used to offset the cost of the Boston trip (the more we raise the less you pay) … as well as to fund clinicians, transportation, instruments, competition fees, and more!

If the competition ended today:

* $100 gift card would go to Jacob G.
* $50 gift card would go to Nyx H
* $25 gift card would go to Orion P

Section Prize: Trumpets
Top Practicer: Carson W

Boston Trip Deadlines

The deadline to register on the Kaleidoscope Adventures website was last night. If you missed it, please still go to their website and sign up for the “Waitlist”. Student registrations should select the “Quad” option and chaperones should select the “Double” option. Remember to visit for all deadlines and details.

Marching Band Volunteer Celebration

We’ve finally (almost) recovered from marching season! It’s time to get together and celebrate our accomplishments and share our war stories. Join us for an informal gathering on Tuesday, February 20 at Punch Bowl Social, Ballston at 7pm. 

It took an amazing number of parent volunteers to pull it off. We appreciate every one of you who worked on props, moved props, stored props, loaded props, loaded instruments, chaperoned students, went to band camp, planned events, worked football concessions, prepared uniforms, made last minute repairs, assembled podia, and every other bit you all did to help. We look forward to finally relaxing together. Hope you can join us!

Enjoy the snow and the weekend and get those pledges in!

Lisa Backer and Daniel Test
Yorktown Band Booster Co-Presidents