Hello Band Families –

Your help is needed with several upcoming events, including 2 this weekend – please do your part!

  • The football game v. West Springfield this Friday, 9/22/23, and Rising Patriots Night: We need 13 people to help with all of the equipment and props — Please sign up here: help with home football games
  • Our first competition at Colgan HS on Saturday, 9/23/23 – we still need one person to ride the bus and 7 to help with equipment and props at the competition: help with competitions
  • Snack Bar during the Varsity Football Games on 10/13 and 11/13 – one of the band parents had originally signed up for these dates and now has conflicts; please consider filling the remaining slots and don’t forget to indicate you are a band parent in the comments: Sign up for snack bar

Thank you so much for your continued support of the band!  Please contact volunteer@yorktownband.org with any questions.

The Band Boosters